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K Y L E  M A C D O N A L D  |  C L A S S  O F  2 0 1 6
The Pennsylvania State University
College of Engineering
Schreyer Honors College | Class of 2016
Kyle is a 5th year architectural engineering major studying structural engineering.  Pursuing both his Bachelor and Master of Architectural Engineering degrees through an integrated undergraduate-graduate program, Kyle will be seeking full time employment starting in Summer of 2016.
His educational interests relate to the realtionship between architectural form and building structure.  In the Summer of 2014, Kyle completed a 7-week study abroad program in Rome, Italy.  There, he completed 12 credits of study, focusing on the analysis of historical Roman architecture.  Additionally, in the Spring of 2015, Kyle participated in Penn State's Collaborative studio and worked on a multi-disciplinary team in order to develop a design for the renewal of Penn State's existing Agricultural and Biological Engineering Building.  Utilizing a Revit-based building information model as well as other integrative computer software, the project team coordinated analysis and design in order to propose an efficient and sustainable building design solution.
Kyle is a proud member of the Penn State Varsity Men's Soccer Team.  He is a loyal teammate and a fiece competitor who has enjoyed playing soccer since the age of three.  He is a member of the Student-Athlete Advisory Board (SAAB) and acts as the team representative for the Men's Soccer Team.  Additionally, Kyle is an active member of Penn State's chapter of Structural Engineers Association (SEA) as well as the Student Society of Architectural Engineering (SSAE).
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